Monday, September 15, 2014

We are sick of renting.

After a few weeks of getting everyone healthy again, the a/c stopped cooling. Wife and child had both been to the doctor a few times with ear infection, fever, coughing, etc. The weather went from hot to a nice cool over the weekend. At least it wasn't triple digit heat with no a/c.

Then, Sunday night the bathtub clogged up. This was followed by no hot water this morning.

The apartments, oh sorry, "condos" we live in suck. The management/owners are non existent and never answer or return calls. If something breaks, it seldom gets repaired.

We are currently in a 700 square foot 1 bed/1 bath shoebox. It's no wonder everyone stays sick, what with the black mold and suit coming from the a/c vents.

We have been on the fence now for a long time about moving out. There have been too many things to hinder us until now. I was going to try to find a job in Florida closer to my retired parents but no jobs there for me in the area my folks live. My brother thinks I could get a job in Washington state but I haven't been motivated about doing that. We wanted to save 20% for a house first. We have to make a trip to Vietnam next year to visit wife's family.

Last week I looked at an apartment but they only have carpet and no washer and dryer connections. I won't live on carpet again. So, we have just continued to live with the headaches of this apartment and saved money.

After all of the problems, we have come to the decision that it is time to move.

I spent the better part of the morning looking at apartments online but still got the feeling that we are just throwing money away. The rent would be almost double what we pay now. For that kind of money, we are spending the 20% down on a house every month in rent.

I decided after lunch with Fiona that we need to consider buying.

So, I spent the remainder of the day making notes on the process involved in buying a house.

This blog will serve as a recording of our experience through the home buying process.

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