Thursday, September 18, 2014

Credit Check Speedbump

Well, we have hit a snag. Which is a big reason we are looking at financial backing first. head off any troubles before getting excited about a house.

I have an old bruise on my credit that has never been resolved. It's a 5 year old bruise. The damage was done, I took the hit on my credit score. I've just been waiting for that old dragon to fall asleep for good.

Well, according to the lender, the particular debt buyer currently holding me hostage has a very tricky way of maneuvering around the law to keep the debt looking fresh. So it doesn't look like a 5 year old debt.

It has been suggested that the creditor and I come to an agreement and settle.

Additionally, the lender is talking about going after a no money down type load. That would be cool but its a USDA loan, which will really restrict us from the number of homes we can see.

I don't like not having options. I have suggested that we just continue to seek what we came here for. That is to find out what we can afford. Meaning a dollar amount, not an actual property.

I made this clear to the lender that if we need to prepare more, then that is what we will do. We are not going to settle for a narrow selection. We will wait it out if neccesary.

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