Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Rapid Re-Score Complete

The mortgage lender called me today and said they got the re-score completed. Some time has lapsed and they need updated bank statements and pay stubs again.

She told me what my new score is but I'm not happy about it. Not sad but nothing to get excited about either.

She told me carrying a zero balance on my credit card all these years doesn't hurt me but it doesn't help me either. No activity means no behavior to report.

She suggested that I used them for a few simple things each month and pay them off on time every time.

Ahhhh, this could take months. It's ok with me while we save money up. We are just tired of living where we live currently.

Can we tough it out for another 6-9 months? If we want a better rate, we may have to.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Right School Right Home Location

I spoke to my sister who is a teacher. She brought up a very important thing to consider when looking for a place to live.

We all want our children to get the best education that our tax dollars can buy. Narrowing it down to a school district is about as far as I had thought about that.

I've always known that Rockwall schools are very good. What I didn't consider is there are often more than one high school and some rank better than others.

It's important to choose the right location to live because it is indicative to what schools will feed into the high school of preference.

We will need to be sure to put that down as part of the criteria for the realtor.

Zillow has a pretty cool tool for accessing school ratings in a given area. Here is an example for Rockwall, Texas. http://www.zillow.com/rockwall-tx/schools/

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Execute Rapid Rescore Process

I received a faxed confirmation of a zero balance from a creditor that was giving me problems.

The confirmation letter was sent to the mortgage lender.

She said, she can get the blemish removed from my history and do a rapid rescore. Rapid Rescore is not commonly available to all lenders.

In about 5 days, we should be able to see an increased score. I would be interested to know how this lender's rate compares to other lenders if they were to evaluate me?

Time will tell.

I'm thinking it would be better to wave for another 6-9 months. I think the time would go by fast.

Wife's birthday
My birthday (3 months Major Milestone)

New Years
4 year wedding anniversary
Tax Season
Lunar New Year
Valentine's Day
1 year anniversary at new job (6 months Major Milestone)

Vietnam trip
4 year anniversary at our current apartment
Our son's birthday (9 months Major Milestone)

Friday, September 19, 2014

An Old Score Settled

Today, I took on an old dragon that I thought would never wake. I didn't want to wait any longer to find out if he would.

I negotiated an old debt down to a 55% of the original. I got it and used a portion of my intended downpayment to pay it off in one lump sum. I was given the confirmation number. But the confirmation letter showing a full payoff with $0 balance will not come until the next business day.

I tried to get them down to 30% but they said they could only do %60. I was a little pushy and got the manager to lower it another %5. I'm happy.

I asked them if they do deletions but they do not. The mortgage lender volunteered to handle the details after I get the confirmation letter. They told me it should take about 2 weeks to clear everything up.

I guess the question on my mind is, shouldn't I wait for a while and let my credit score improve so that I can get a better interest rate?

My wife and I are prepared to continue to save, let our score improve and take our time with all of this. The management coming down and fixing the a/c today has helped our patience.

In the end, it is a nice feeling knowing the dragon has been slain if nothing else just for the peace of mind.

By the way, I found the missing W-2 form I was looking for during lunch yesterday.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Credit Check Speedbump

Well, we have hit a snag. Which is a big reason we are looking at financial backing first. ...to head off any troubles before getting excited about a house.

I have an old bruise on my credit that has never been resolved. It's a 5 year old bruise. The damage was done, I took the hit on my credit score. I've just been waiting for that old dragon to fall asleep for good.

Well, according to the lender, the particular debt buyer currently holding me hostage has a very tricky way of maneuvering around the law to keep the debt looking fresh. So it doesn't look like a 5 year old debt.

It has been suggested that the creditor and I come to an agreement and settle.

Additionally, the lender is talking about going after a no money down type load. That would be cool but its a USDA loan, which will really restrict us from the number of homes we can see.

I don't like not having options. I have suggested that we just continue to seek what we came here for. That is to find out what we can afford. Meaning a dollar amount, not an actual property.

I made this clear to the lender that if we need to prepare more, then that is what we will do. We are not going to settle for a narrow selection. We will wait it out if neccesary.

Request for Evidence of Income

The mortgage lender requested the following documents today:
  • W-2 forms for the previous 2 years
  • Federal Tax Returns and Business Tax Returns (all pages) for the previous 2 years
  • Pay stubs for the passed 30 days
  • Passed 2 months bank statements
  • Driver's License
  • Social Security Card

I had everything together except my most recent W-2. I contacted HR and they sent me a form which I filled out requesting a reissue of the most recent W-2. I'll forward that to the lender as soon as I get it.

Another thing they are doing is verification of employment and salary which is kind of mixed together with the documents requested above. Fortunate for me, my company already has a good reputation with this lender and have a portal set up solely for this purpose.

There were some other things they requested if applicable. Not applicable in my case. But those items are listed below.
  • Current mortgage statement and insurance declaration page
  • Retirement statements (most current)
  • Award letters for social security/retirement income
  • Bankruptcy schedules/Discharge docs
  • Divorce decree (all pages)
  • VA: DD214/Disability Awards Letter

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Credit Check Cleared

Apparently the credit check was indicative of greatness. The lender requires some additional paperwork to complete the pre-approval process. I'm waiting to find out what paperwork they need.

Running my credit

So, I've chosen RE/MAX as my realtor. They called me and referred me to a lender. I was advised that it may be a good idea to avoid the huge banks (the untouchables). So, I have spoken with this smaller lender and they have enough of my information to find out how much house we can get.

Realtor Interview

Today I had a 20-30 minute interview with a Re/Max agent. He was very professional, experienced, warm, friendly and eager to share his knowledge freely.

He was quick to answer my questions and interpret what I was asking and even explain to me what I was asking and why it was or was not a factor to be considered. I felt a little guilty grilling him with so many questions but it was important that I asked the hard questions.

I can tell you that without a doubt, I've already found the right person. I may interview a few more, but this guy was really good.

This agency is run by a husband/wife. He helps sell, she helps buy. We are expecting a call for a follow up interview with her since she was not in the office when I stopped by.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Finding a Realtor

I only know one realtor and I don't really know her at all. I decided to look at familiar names like, Century 21, Ebby Halliday, Re/Max, etc...

I have many questions. In order to find someone I feel comfortable with, I came up with a page of questions to ask during the agent interviews.

I got the questions as suggestions from various online sources. To be quite honest, I don't even understand what I'm asking on a few of them.

Anyway, here are the questions I have for the realtor agents.

1) How many years experience do you have?

2) How many homes in the area have you sold in the passed 60 days?

3) Can you give references from recent buyers? get 3 (are they related to the agent) May I call them with additional questions?

4) How do you earn your commission, through the seller or from the buyer?

5) When should I call the and how often?

6) What is your best marketing plan or strategy for my needs?
A. How will you search for my new home?
B. How many homes will I likely see before I find a home I want to buy?
C. Will I be competing against other buyers? (Agent should solely represent you and not represent other buyers who are competing for the same inventory.)
D. How do you handle multiple offers?
E. Do you present offers yourself?

7) What are the top 3 things that separate you from the competition?

8) May I review documents beforehand that I will be asked to sign? Ask to see a sample purchase agreement and ask agent to point out your cancellation rights in the document (if they hesitate, find another agent)

9) How will you help me find other professionals (i.e. mortgage brokers, home inspectors, title companies)?
A. Are there affiliations with these related professionals?
B. Is the agent's company receiving compensation for referrals? This is against the law. If they receive kickbacks, find another agent.

10) What kind of guarantee do you offer?
A. Has anyone ever canceled and agreement with you before?
B. If we are unhappy, can we be released from the agreement before the expiration? If not find another agent.

12) What haven't I asked you that I need to know?

Finally, have the agent reiterate your goals and objectives to you to verify that they listen and have a clear understanding of your desires.

Monday, September 15, 2014

We are sick of renting.

After a few weeks of getting everyone healthy again, the a/c stopped cooling. Wife and child had both been to the doctor a few times with ear infection, fever, coughing, etc. The weather went from hot to a nice cool over the weekend. At least it wasn't triple digit heat with no a/c.

Then, Sunday night the bathtub clogged up. This was followed by no hot water this morning.

The apartments, oh sorry, "condos" we live in suck. The management/owners are non existent and never answer or return calls. If something breaks, it seldom gets repaired.

We are currently in a 700 square foot 1 bed/1 bath shoebox. It's no wonder everyone stays sick, what with the black mold and suit coming from the a/c vents.

We have been on the fence now for a long time about moving out. There have been too many things to hinder us until now. I was going to try to find a job in Florida closer to my retired parents but no jobs there for me in the area my folks live. My brother thinks I could get a job in Washington state but I haven't been motivated about doing that. We wanted to save 20% for a house first. We have to make a trip to Vietnam next year to visit wife's family.

Last week I looked at an apartment but they only have carpet and no washer and dryer connections. I won't live on carpet again. So, we have just continued to live with the headaches of this apartment and saved money.

After all of the problems, we have come to the decision that it is time to move.

I spent the better part of the morning looking at apartments online but still got the feeling that we are just throwing money away. The rent would be almost double what we pay now. For that kind of money, we are spending the 20% down on a house every month in rent.

I decided after lunch with Fiona that we need to consider buying.

So, I spent the remainder of the day making notes on the process involved in buying a house.

This blog will serve as a recording of our experience through the home buying process.