Friday, August 7, 2015

Garage Door & Curb Cutting for Removal

This evening I went to the house to see if any work was done today. I saw some long thin cardboard boxes in the garage that weren't there before. I walked through the house but could find no sign of any work.

As I started to leave, I looked up and noticed the garage door.

I stood looking at the house for a while when I noticed a lot of dried mud in the street next to our curb. I couldn't understand what it was. 

Then I started noticing the saw marks in the curb. I backed up to get a wide view. I soon realized what I was seeing. They have cut the curb into 4 segments (highlighted below) so that it will be easier to remove either by bulldozer or by jackhammer.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, that's very interesting, but I suppose it would make sense for them to make clean cuts in the concrete rather than just tearing the whole thing apart with a bulldozer. But it does look like you've got some good people working on setting up your house. I bet the driveway will look great once you've got it all finished!
