Friday, August 28, 2015

Tile Part 1 - Ceramic Tile

The lender was too swamped to get to me today. Oh well. The tile was scheduled for today so I went to the house a lunch time. It's a good thing I did because a setback was in the making.

When I arrived I took these photos.

At this point I was just taking in the process.

Something didn't look right about the kitchen but I didn't notice it right away.

I had quite a bit on my mind. Things like, I need to eat, I only have a few minutes here, I need to let them do their job. I was going out through the garage and was busy in my mind wondering if they would leave the leftover tile but I didn't think these guys spoke English.

One guy in the garage asked me if I was working on the house. I said I was the owner. He wanted to ask me a question about the placement of the tile and beckoned me back into the house.

He was trying to figure out where the tile in the nook was supposed to meet the living room because the illustration was unclear. That's when the big bolder hit me reminding me that there wasn't suppose to be any tile in the nook. What the heck was I thinking before?

I called the GC who told me he could be there in 5 minutes. While we waited for the GC to arrive, I realized the tile in the kitchen was nothing we chose. Where did this second tile color come from and who authorized it?

When the GC arrived we looked through the paperwork and it showed the wrong tile on one page and the correct tile on another. I had pointed this error out in our pre-construction meeting but they never corrected this on the paperwork when they ordered supplies.

Original paperwork from the design center showing what we actually chose.

Error noted way back in March during the pre-con.

After that was cleared up, the GC told the tiler that they had to redo it.

The next issue was where the tile should and should not be placed in regards to the kitchen/nook/and living room.
This illustration that they should have been going by shows them what to do. I've flipped it to match our actual layout.

The GC and I realized the odd corner and decided to make it a 45 degree cut based on the kitchen island.

See the line in the dust as reference.

Then there was a question I had about the swing of the laundry room door. It was decided that in real life, the doors would collide. So, the inner laundry door swings into the kitchen.

After work photos of the corrections that were still under way.

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