Monday, August 24, 2015

Flatwork - Day #4

A week later, we finally have a driveway.

I put a lot of pressure on everyone today about the house being ready before the end of next month. The builder told me to go ahead and put in my 30 day notice and that he would make everything 'happen'. That sounds good but its verbal.

Later in the afternoon my realtor had been talking to the sales rep and the sales rep stated that she sets the close date not the builder. So the 30 day notice is kind of in limbo still (^%^#$&(*%(&$%#

But.......the lender called me in the evening to tell me that he put even more pressure on the big guys at the corporate office for the builder to have us in that house by September 24 or there will be problems. He said everyone assured him we would be in there by then.

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