Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Follow-Up Work

This is the work that needed to be completed after the inspection. The next inspection is tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Markup Following Inspection

I saw different areas of the house painted up with notes. This follows the inspection from last week. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what any of it means. Some of it is Spanish.
What does HD stand for and what does it mean here? 

Missing stud. 

Strap? Does this mean one of those metal plates should span the length of the designated area? 

No idea what this says. Google translates some of it as ...red entire wall.

Missing a 2x8?

Rellenar (to fill).

Furr-out – To affix a strip of wood or metal to a wall, floor, or ceiling to provide a surface for the attachment of gypsum wall board, floorboards, millwork, etc

I can kind of get what this is saying simply because there is supposed to be a divider wall here between the toilet and the bathroom sinks and cabinets.

HTT5 Tension Tie

Fix bar.

Metal strap?

HD again????

Friday, June 19, 2015

Foundation Repair - Part 2 (Concrete)

At lunch today I saw wet concrete recently poured, patching up the holes from the plumbing relocation.

I also noticed that the tubs were drained of the water that has been sitting for weeks and weeks. I guess they passed the pressure inspection.

Additionally, a vapor barrier has been added to the seat for the shower.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ventilated Attic Panels

I saw these yesterday but didn't take any photos of them until today.

The manufacturer states the following:
• Allows for cooler attics in the summer
• Helps prevent ice-dam formation in the winter
• Improves insulation efficiencies
• Helps prolong shingle life
• Allows for drier attics

From the web.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Foundation Repair - Part 1 (Rebar)

When I showed up today at the house the GC was there along with an inspector who was very busy and focused on his work.

I didn't want to hinder their work so I just took a few photos and got out of there.

I noticed 3 things.

Most importantly, the two holes from the botched plumbing placement, have been reinforced with rebar.

Next, I saw two pallets full of concrete mix that I can only assume will be for our sidewalk and driveway.

Last, there were a couple of metal rails sitting in front of the garage. Maybe for the driveway also. I don't know about that.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Caulk Gun Delivered Foam Insulation

We drove out to the house today. My wife was feeling tired, so she sat at the back door and let the cool afternoon breeze come in on her while she watched our son who is oh so very curious at this age. Meanwhile, I snapped a few photos and let her relax.

Crevices, holes, cracks, and other spaces filled with foam insulation. I noticed two different colors used. White foam was used around the door frames and window frames, while orange was used everywhere else. I guess they have different degrees of insulation.

The GC said there will be a frame inspection on Monday.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bricks and Drywall Delivered

Bricks and drywall arrived today.

[Update 2015-06-11] I didn't notice this the day everything was delivered, but the delivery guys wrecked the kitchen island when they brought the drywall into the house. Knuckleheads.