Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Markup Following Inspection

I saw different areas of the house painted up with notes. This follows the inspection from last week. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what any of it means. Some of it is Spanish.
What does HD stand for and what does it mean here? 

Missing stud. 

Strap? Does this mean one of those metal plates should span the length of the designated area? 

No idea what this says. Google translates some of it as entire wall.

Missing a 2x8?

Rellenar (to fill).

Furr-out – To affix a strip of wood or metal to a wall, floor, or ceiling to provide a surface for the attachment of gypsum wall board, floorboards, millwork, etc

I can kind of get what this is saying simply because there is supposed to be a divider wall here between the toilet and the bathroom sinks and cabinets.

HTT5 Tension Tie

Fix bar.

Metal strap?

HD again????

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