Thursday, January 15, 2015

Preliminary Documents, Contract and the Sales Rep from Hell

I spoke with the new lender early this morning. He said everything is looking awesome.

My wife and the realtor met me over at the builder's model home/office to go over the contract and all of that preliminary stuff you have to go through. I asked a couple of questions that really fired up the sales rep.

I don't know what her damn problem was. She was very short and it was escalating so I snapped her back into line with a simple statement, "Look, we're just asking some questions." We hadn't seen a model of our house yet, and wouldn't for a few more days. In fact all we had seen was the office we were in with her and a few brochures that she had emailed to me. With a sample question of would we be able to add things like an extra plug outlet, she snapped "NO!". She was very defensive, abrupt and just right out rude.

I figured out some of it later on. She was upset that we had brought the realtor with us, she was using a PC, and her printer was giving her fits. I didn't care what her reasons were but she didn't have to be so rude.

Anyway, she was super fussy and in a hurry for us to sign. I had to get assurances from her that I would have more than the time in her office to read everything in the contract. She was sort of resistant with comments like take it or leave it. The realtor was able to intervene and get an answer that the contract would not be submitted to corporate until next week.

I pulled my wife and realtor aside so we could talk in private about the sales rep's overall attitude and the bad impression that she was giving us. We were encouraged to look passed the attitude she was displaying.

The realtor had to leave early to honor an appointment and my wife needed to get our son home for lunch. I stayed to finish the paperwork and try to warm that old lady up. In the end she had lightened up quite a bit.

The sales rep gave me a sold sign to stick in the yard. Here's a photo of that.

Enough on that! We have to go to decide on all of our color options by February 1. I booked an appointment with the place that provides that service for January 27.

I spent the late evening going through every document to read all of the applicable fine print. Everything seems to be ok. I have a question about a couple of small things. I just have to wonder if my questions will bring out the fangs again. Time will tell. Time will tell.

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