Friday, January 9, 2015

This deal's getting worse all the time - We're out

We agreed to meet with the realtor this morning at her office to discuss details for the contract to put forward to the seller.

Before going over there, the lender called me to get a copy of our most recent bank statement. I got it all together and sent it over. Upon looking at everything she said it was looking lighter than we had told her. I explained the balance would be where we said at the end of this month when it comes time to pay the closing costs. She explained to me that it needs to be at the target balance a few weeks prior in order to get everything approved. I told her I could deposit some additional savings in cash. She said that would not benefit us in this case at this time.

Confused, I looked around online and found out that we were about to make a huge mistake adding cash to our account. It must be verified and bunch of legal stuff like that. I found this article. Check it out here.

I took this new information to the realtor. She said she would see if the seller could delay the closing cost a few extra weeks. The response came about a half hour later that the seller will not budge.

The seller is completely inflexible on all accounts. First, we offered over $4k more than the listed price. Second, they wanted to cut our option period in half. Third, they wanted to have all closing costs paid for in full 3 weeks. Fourth, they don't want to move out of the house for another 2 months from now. Last, they don't want to give us a solid date in which they would move out and don't agree to pay for lease back.

As Lando says, "This deal's getting worse all the time."

Maybe they have good reasons. But enough of this. We're out and moving on.

Additionally, we are looking for a new realtor. One who is more aggressive in helping us find something. But now after learning all of this, I kind of want to wait another month before getting into another one of these multi-offer scenarios.


My supervisor recommended a realtor. I called her tonight and she has already sent a list of houses to browse.

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