Wednesday, January 7, 2015

House Hunting - Day 2

I left work an hour early today so that we could go look at two houses before it got dark. We never made it to the last house because we liked the first one so much. Here is a video and some photos.

We decided to drive back to the realtor office to make an offer. It turns out that there were a couple of offers on it already more than the asking price.

This house has almost everything upgraded already which makes it attractive visually and monetarily. What it will appraise for is a separate issue.

We decided on our top dollar offer based on what we've been researching with the area, the upgrades, and everything else. We have offered $4k over the list price, buyer pays closing costs and allowing the seller plenty of time to pack it up after closing.

I made some video walking through the house to look at again later. When we got home neither of us wanted to watch it for fear of getting emotionally attached.

Now we have to get a $100 check over to the owner for our option payment (get out of the deal money). We also have to get $1500 earnest to the title company for the deposit.

The realtor has vouched for us so that we can get the deal on the table as serious shoppers.

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