Friday, January 16, 2015

Model Walk Through #1

I scheduled a walk through the model for 11:30am this morning.

I cued up yesterday's 2 hour recording of our meeting so I could take notes. It is strictly for that purpose. So, there I was taking notes when in the recording it got to that part where we excused ourselves briefly from the sales rep's office.

While we were out, a contractor/builder came into her office and he asked her why her window was open because it was cold outside. She claimed she was so hot and referred to us as that couple with the noisy child and realtor who is giving out wrong information. Then she said, "I hate people." I couldn't believe my ears.

I can never do anything with this recording and I won't but anyone could have heard this from the hallway just outside her office. I was furious and only had 10 minutes before I had to go meet this lady to do the walk through.

I was pretty stern when I showed up. Not the normal cheerful person I normally am. I wanted to send a clear message that I was there to take care of business and I wasn't in the mood for whatever she wanted to dish out this time.

I followed her over to the 80% finished model. I couldn't find anything strange. I did make video for my wife since she was unable to make it out.
Model house #1

So, Monday the contract will be submitted to their corporate office.

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