Monday, September 28, 2015


This morning we went to the house only expecting to be there for a few minutes since we hadn't seen any progress over the weekend. There seemed to be little need to do a walkthrough. But our not showing up wasn't going to an excuse for the builder to delay again, so we went.

When we got inside we could smell fresh paint. Even though the painters don't work on Sunday, someone got their rear chewed and made them pull it off last night.

So we walked the house for about 2 hours. There are about 15 items that need attention with the bulk of it being related to touch ups as a single item. Some of the other items that I can remember off of the top of my head is shrubs too close to the foundation, misadjusted window in master bedroom near the bathroom, all window tracks dusty and binding, master bath vent and switch, shower light out of socket, caulking cracks and crevices, dapping holes, evening out paint, cleaning doors, clear coat on recently stained cabinets and trim, fence gate latch adjustment, rear door weather strip, utility room trim at dryer exhaust, sticking door knob in my son's room, loose cabinet doors, sticking door at my wife's closet, grout filler in shower, and maybe some other detail I'm not remembering. They will give us a list of items checked when we do our final inspection on Wednesday.

Some of the home mechanical stuff is a bit overwhelming. I went up inside the attic for the first time.

I forgot to ask them about the mailbox but I'm sure they'll remember it.

After driving back to work, the sales rep texted me to inform us that the final walkthrough will be Wednesday at 1 PM followed by the closing meeting at 2 PM.

After work, I went to the storage unit to get my huge keyboard case, the box that out TV came in, and 2 of my wife's suitcases.

After we get the keys in our hands on Wednesday, I will call to schedule the movers FINALLY!

We plan to move the first items into the house on Friday. The date that we move anything into the house is very important to my wife.

This is what I've packed so far.

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