Friday, September 18, 2015

Carpet and Cleaning and My Own Punchlist

I drove out to the house today at lunch and no one was working. I called the GC. I asked if the house is going to be ready to walkthrough next Thursday as he stated previously. Again, I got a vague answer. The most I could get out of him was carpet was scheduled for today and appliances on Monday.

I walked through the model across from the sales office to compare our cabinets and lights for the bathroom. See at later in this post.

I went over to the sales office to compare the toilet flush to ours. Its the same. Feels week to what we are used to. Its supposed to be efficient. Whatever.

The backup sales rep was there and I asked her what was standard and what wasn't. She couldn't tell me. These people are so incompetent. She said I would have to ask the GC. I called him and asked him when we could get together to confirm what is standard in our plan and what isn't. He said we could meet next week. I was expecting him to say now, in an hour, this afternoon, tomorrow morning or something of that nature. Not next week. I asked him where he was. Guess what? He's out of town again. Maybe this is why our house is taking so long.

I had no choice but to assume that the house cannot be finished 'right' in the next 4 work days. So, I had to call our landlord to see if they would let us extend our stay in our apartment passed our original 30 days to vacate. Lucky enough they are being generous since we have been their best tenants for the passed 4 and half years. We will pay for October and put the stress on the home builder. We won't allow them to know that we are continuing month to month.

After work I drove by the house and took some photos. The carpet did go in and there was a 2 person crew vacuuming and cleaning windows. I decided to walk around and take photos for our first punch list.

Here is a visual list of things in the house that will need attention. I left the obvious big stuff off of this list.

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