Monday, September 14, 2015

Land Title Documentation and the Ever Sliding Deadline

Early this morning I received the title documents for our new home. It really is a bunch of rubbish to try to read through. Important, but boring.

I went to the house and saw no progress. I called to get an update. The dates for events I was given push things out even further. We were told a likely close between the 18th and 25th. Then they told us the 28th 'IF' everything goes perfect. Vague as usual. Never a clear answer.

I can conclude that in our experience with the construction industry is that the only certain thing is uncertainty. My advice to anyone keeping up with this blog would be, stay put in your place until actually get the keys. We've been pushed out for months.

If we had put our 30 day notice in on August 16th as they indicated the second time, we would be on the street already. Now we are only 16 days from that happening for real. Stress!

We did, however talk with the finance company who does a lot of business with this builder. After our talk, he made some phone calls and lit some fires from what I understand. We talked again tonight and he assured us as best as he can, that the builder is still confident that they will have us in the house by the end of the month.

Nothing in terms of photo updates, But I did catch a few images of the huge lunchtime water tower shadow over our porch.

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