Saturday, May 2, 2015

Framing Day 2

I called the builder sales rep today to address the water connection for the laundry room that is sticking up in the front hallway. She said the contractor will call me on Monday to discuss.

I can only see two solutions to this problem. Moving the wall (which will not work because it is more than an inch or two) or cutting (not jackhammering) a square hole in the slab to rework the plumbing into the correct location. Its a post-tension slab. They would have to mind the cables as to not compromise the foundation. If they reroute the plumbing, a second plumbing inspection would be in order following the procedure.

Aside from that, framing came along pretty good today. All of the main interior walls have been erected.

I didn't notice this when I was taking pictures, and I hope I'm wrong, but from this photo it appears that the toilet is on the wrong side of the wall (as in 'in our bedroom'). It looks like I'll be back out tomorrow with the tape measure again.

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