Tuesday, October 7, 2014

First Proper Lender Meeting with the Family

Today, my family had a proper meeting with the Senior Loan Originator. A lot was covered. (See notes below)

In short, we have a bit of homework to do, some time needs to pass and we'll meet again perhaps in a few weeks. I have to write a 'Letter of Explanation' why I was out of work for a few months back in 2012, provide some of my wife's ID to move the paperwork along.

Additionally, I have to take additional steps to get something removed from my credit history. It's a paid off account that needs to be deleted. The original owner will not delete it. I will document that process as well.


Let the realtor locate a house

The lender does a conventional loan with a minimum of 5% down.

The lender will ask seller to pay 3% toward closing costs and negotiate that into the lender's price (we would have to pick up the remaining balance)

Get into a house sooner than later because the after tax benefit of owning a home outweighs waiting and saving more money.

Any additional funds that you have after putting 5% down that you want to apply toward the mortgage, do that until you can get to 80% of the original sales price then the mortgage insurance piece will fall off and then your payment will even be lower. Then, take the portion that you were paying towards PMI and start paying down on the ‘principle’ (the snowball effect). The sooner you get to a balance of 80% of the original sales price, the sooner you can start applying the PMI fee toward the ‘principle’.

Establish accounts with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion if anything needs to be disputed on all three bureaus.

Future Process:

1) Lender will get us a Pre-Approval Letter

2) We will locate a property

3) Negotiate contract/negotiate terms

            a) negotiate seller willing to pay closing cost

4) Give Lender a copy of negotiated contracts

5) Lender will work up the numbers and determine if they want to lock in an interest rate

6) Property Inspection, and condition of property is acceptable by your terms

7) Lender will order the appraisal

8) Once appraisal is completed, it will be sent to underwriting (72 hour process)

9) After underwriting approves, lender draws the closing documents and send them to the title company here in town

10) Title company will prepare the settlement statement and all of the numbers

11) Seller and buyer will sign papers

12) Lender will send a wire to fund the loan

13) Exchange of keys

**Lender guarantees a 25 day closing from the time you have your contract


Lender needs to have a credit card on file for appraisal $400 fee is charged at closing or upon cancelation

Winter months are historically better rates (research online if you want)

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