Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pre-Qualification Letter, Disputing Credit, Additional Documentation

I wrote a letter of explanation on why I was out of work for a few months in 2012 and submitted that along with copies of my wife's ID to the lender as requested.

The lender sent us a pre-qualification letter and introduced us by email to a realtor. The realtor happens to be the wife of the realtor I spoke to in the beginning of our journey.

Additionally, today I set up an account with TransUnion, but didn't see a place to set up an account with Equifax or Experian. I opened disputes for an account that shows a zero balance but is still negatively affecting my credit score. I'm not disputing that it's mine, I'm disputing the balance, the validity, the lack of supporting documentation. Since their is nothing to collect, no one will pay to send someone to hunt down documentation on the collector's behalf. After they have neglected to respond within 30 days, it will have to be deleted. We shall see.

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