Friday, February 20, 2015

Ground Breaking

We decided to go for a drive this evening just to get out of the house. Everyone has been sick for weeks and it has a lot to do with the poor air quality in our crummy apartment.

I started heading toward our new neighborhood kind of aimlessly. Kelvin got sleepy so we decided to turn around and go back home. We were pretty much already just about in our new area when my wife asked me where I was going. I said, we came this far already, we might as well drive by our lot.

To our surprise we discovered that ground has been broken. We were very excited to see this. Even Kelvin woke up excited.

It was dark but I managed to shine the brights on some of the land to get a photo. We will have to go back over during daylight hours.

It's hard to see in this picture but the sidewalk, driveway and foundation is ready to be formed.

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