Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lot Transfer

Our builder sales rep called me this morning and confirmed indeed that the house must face West. She had a solid reason but the details leave me now. It had to do with a retaining wall and 7 feet. It sounded like a matter of irrigation.

My wife and I had discussed looking at another lot just 5 plats over and a sure thing on the direction of the house. So, we put that into motion and had the rep verify availability of the new lot. She chose the new lot because of the number. There is a water tower very close by and I don't want to look out the window and see it all of the time. It shouldn't be visible from inside of the house. The upside is we can enjoy the free shade during the summer.

We received confirmation on the availability of the new lot and I was asked to show up to sign the new contract and terminate the old one immediately to avoid further delays.

I raced over to her office and signed everything, well almost. There are a few tie in pieces that involve third parties such as the color selections addendum paperwork that will need to reflect the new address.

[sigh] I had to go move the frozen sold sign from the corner lot over to the new lot. It's much smaller but not tiny. We really don't want to go through the entire process again. We are no longer getting the holy-cow-how-did-you-get-so-lucky deal, but still getting a really-good-deal.

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