Thursday, October 1, 2015

Repaired Floor and It's Ours

I got to the house early today to let the GC in. I was early so I went inside to take some photos. The painter showed up and was looking at the botched floor. I asked if he was the painter (I knew he was). He confirmed. I pointed out the bad floor spots and paint on the floor. He resisted taking ownership of the problem. In fact the paint drips on the floor he insisted wasn't paint. I realized that I was arguing with a tree stump. He left.

Here are some photos of the crap job he did on our wood floor. The moron cleaned up paint with paint thinner on the wood finish.

The GC finally arrived and I told him everything and left my house key with him. I told him that they had better get it perfect because I was going to scrutinize their corrections. A few corrections that they managed to complete were moving the shrubs away from the foundation, a mailbox, and completing the electrical in the bathroom (overhead light and switch installation in master bath and correct routing of fan switches.

Meanwhile back at work, I organized my 3" binder of house paperwork that I've been keeping for the passed year since we started looking at houses.

I got the gas, electricity, water and trash transferred into my name then drove over to see if the floor was fixed. I couldn't believe it. They pulled it off. More likely they buffed it off. When I got there the GC and the original GC that we started with were in front of the house to greet me. I saw the painter and two helpers on their hands and knees scrubbing the floor. You can bet your behind someone was trying to keep their job and their paycheck. I walked through the house and got down on all fours and found that it was satisfying.

With that, we all shook hands and I gave them the final approval. Our home is finished.

I called the movers and settled on a move date for Monday.

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