Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Overview of Progress and Delays

Notes from builder:
- An additional GC has been called in to help the currently overwhelmed GC
- Drywall any day now (1 week behind)
- Underground electrical (waiting)
- Driveway and sidewalk ready to be set up

Notes from sales rep:
- GC almost walked off of the job because of continuous buyer mobbing
- 6 July closings are top priority for corporate (money dries up when you don't close often enough)
- August projection is no guess. Corporate has too much on the line for guessing
- Corporate supervisors out twice per week to ensure construction times don't run over. This is a direct result of two factors. Unexpected sales boom during one of our wettest years and homes taking 10-11 months to build.
- 38 homes being built to date just in this community
- 10 pre-construction meetings yet to be scheduled for new buyers
- Normal scheduled update calls have been nearly impossible
- Internal corporate changes have been an additional burden (new VP, new policies, transitioning between vendors)

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