Thursday, July 2, 2015

Financing - Here We Go Again

Our lender contacted me yesterday and sent over a list of items that we need to provide so that we can close smoothly.

2013/2014 W-2s: Sent this morning. Also sent over 1099s. I have one more document to send along with a Letter of Explanation (LOE) for a gap in my employment.

2013/2014 Tax Returns: Sent yesterday.

Photocopies of cleared deposit checks for house/options: Sent yesterday.

Everything else will be submitted as we get closer to a 45-60 day window of closing (Most likely September).

One more thing I did last night that is important to know: I consolidated funds into one account. We were encouraged last year to NOT have funds spread out all over the place in different accounts. More important, do not transfer or deposit large sums within the 45-60 day window of closing. The reason for that is that it looks like erratic behavior. Instead, a large transaction should be done way in advance (few months), then let it sit there undisturbed. This shows stability.

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