Saturday, March 28, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

What's that big box for?

Today the builder built a box in our front yard out of OSB for trash. Not much more to report since we've had so much rain lately.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Utility Trenches

Some soil was moved today most likely to make way for plumbing and other utilities.

City water access


Front room

Back porch

Back yard

 I'm going to try to take a photo from this rock across the street every time I visit

Street view

and a couple of videos

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Construction of Foundation Forms

Kelvin and I drove by the lot to see what they did yesterday on the foundation.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Foundation Crew Arrival

The builder sales rep texted me a photo today of the foundation crew. It looks like they are starting to lay out boards for building the foundation forms.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Pre-Construction Meeting Questions and Answers

We had our pre-construction meeting today with the builder. We covered quite a bit. First we covered the precise placement of the house on the lot. This was followed by confirming all of our options. Most of our questions were covered along the way. I saved the rest for the end. As usual the sales rep was unprofessional, impatient and altogether annoyed with my many questions. I took one photo of the lot today. Not much to see other than a T-post (as the builder called it). I have included our questions and answers below. I hope someone finds it useful.

Do the windows include screens?

We will need a water line to the refrigerator?

Are the garage interior walls painted?
Textured and painted but not trimmed out like interior

Where in the garage is the hot water heater located?

Determine fence line.

Can we have metal fence posts instead of wood?
Price includes 2 cedar 4x4 at fence gate to avoid warping, landscape timber for other posts

Will a wheel barrel fit through the fence gate?

We do not want to inherit the ugly utility fence behind our property?
Not an option. 'Fence Final' pending as of today.

Who is responsible for maintaining and possibly replacing shared fence when required?
Shared responsibility. As the first owner on the street it is advisable to seal both sides of the fence. New neighbors will inherit our choice pending HOA guidelines.

What are our landscaping options?
No choices - Type of tree is up to whatever landscaper has as that time (1 tree included with plan)

Can we place the tree where we want?
You can mark the tree location but it must be in front of window side of the house.

What are our landscaping restrictions?
Always check with HOA first, 10-20 feet from foundation for trees (verify this with a professional landscaper), and don't block irrigation channel between houses.

What is the warranty on the sodding if it doesn't grow?
None - Landscaping must be alive when you move in or builder must replace it.

Buyer orientation will cover:
Water shut off valve
Circuit breakers and other owner electrical stuff
A/C and furnace system
Hot water heater
HVAC duct maintenance and cleanliness
Winterization in regards to interior/exterior plumbing
Foundation maintenance

Tell us about attics and storage options.
No options. Not for storing anything heavy. However, you could put down OSB 1/2" thick subfloor for light storage.

Other questions:
How long will it take to build the house?
4 months best case, 7 months based on previous average, original estimate 6-9 months

When can we expect to hear from the builder?
Sales rep will generally make contact with us bi-weekly on Mondays if there is any need to contact the buyer.

The rear porch light on the corner needs to go away.
Corporate will remove it from our paperwork within a week or 2 and apply the charges toward closing costs.

Grout sealing?
The builder does not seal. Grout needs 28 days to cure. Sealing grout will tint it. If you have to replace a tile in the future, grout will not match. That is why builders will not seal. People seal grout to protect it from staining from food spills. If you must seal only limited amounts, seal the kitchen backsplash. Research the pros and cons.

In-line Inspections and Processes:
Builder's internal inline, followed by city inline (our city has very strict regulations and inspections)
If using a 3rd party home inspector, they may require more than what is necessary and builder does not have to comply
Foundation inline
Plumbing inline
Frame inline
Electrical inline (they will verify options we selected are in place)
Electric meter and gas meter inspections
Final builder inline
Buyer inline week before close
Punch list completion
Final walkthrough
Close (every line will be signed off)

When can we come out and look at the build progress?
We are welcome to come out when its safe. Avoid coming out when they are framing and roofing (when anything that can fall on your head).

What happens at orientation?
Orientation will begin at Altura model where we will go over the paperwork. Then, we will go to the finished house to walk the outside. Finally, we will walk every wall in every room and talk about every square inch.

Will we need to rekey the locks?
Rekeying is not needed - builders key is thin, owner key is thick and causes tumblers to change upon initial insertion (research).

When will we get our keys?
Once the house is funded by the lender, the keys will be turned over to the buyer.

What extra touch up materials will be left over?
We will get a paint touch-up kit, no stain for cabinets though as they are stained on-site. Extra tile is not guaranteed - if any left it will be put in attic.

What if appliances specified are not available during build?
If appliances on addendum are unavailable the next tier up will be supplied.

Sales rep will email us utility company contact info as we get closer to the closing date.

Presently waiting on forms to be set and then trenching, followed by plumbing rough in.

Builder will get electrical red line plan from EIS in a few weeks (EIS Supervisor's name is Juan).