Sunday, January 11, 2015

House Hunting - Day 3

Today we decided to drive to a town that has been on and off of our list of places to live. The location is not good and that makes it more affordable and everything is new.

It wasn't all that bad. Only 10 minutes away. I thought it would be much further.

We drove to a specific neighborhood and looked at a few houses. There was one that was a pretty good deal for us. We thought about it for a bit and decided to tell the builder that we were interested. While we were waiting to talk again, another person was coming in and about to steal it from us. It was a race to get a check into the builder's hands to secure the house. The other man was coming back the following day.

We decided to drive back home to get my checkbook when we suddenly realized that the house is facing the wrong direction. We confirmed the direction with the builder and had to explain to him that it was a deal breaker unfortunately. It's an important factor to my wife, so it's important to me.

Lessons learned are keep the checkbook ready when you are house hunting, driving to the location is a good indicator of how far it is in minutes.

We have put that city back into our searches and the results coming back are grand.

Now what can we do about realtors? We have the original that wasn't very aggressive. Then there is the new lady I talked to who just had a baby 2 months ago and is at home taking it easy. Don't know. I sent over a list of places to the original realtor for her to check on. We'll wait and see.

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